A behavioural sciences approach to understanding insights into antibiotic decision making.
Within this study, we are exploring influencing factors on the decision-making of clinicians when it comes to antibiotic stop decisions in critically unwell patients. We are using a combination of an online survey and an online focus group to review our understanding of clinical reasoning and our assumptions on what may impact this.
We are a team of clinicians and a behavioral scientist with an interest in antibiotic decision-making and its associated influencing factors. We are particularly interested in whether advancements in technology such as point-of-care tests (POCTs) and clinical decision system support tools have impacted this decision-making process for clinicians. We appreciate that to harness the innovation and integration of such systems, there needs to be a focus on operator factors driving its use or lack thereof. Our focus on POCTs follows its previously poor uptake into clinical practice, and has recently gained further attention during the COVID-19 pandemic providing rapid diagnostic results. Therefore, we feel that to identify the utility of such devices, it is crucial for us to explore the behavioural influences in decision making.
Following participation in our online survey, you will have the option to join our 'Why Stop?' consortium. As part of our consortium, you will have the chance to be a named contributing author in any presented or published work. See below for more information.